Petal It Forward


Petal It Forward

Thousands of Petals set to brighten the streets of Maple Grove! 10/24/18

University research reveals that flowers have an immediate impact on happiness and a long-term positive effect on moods. Arbor Lakes is proud to partner with Len Busch Roses, a Plymouth wholesale flower distributor and grower, to host this years nation-wide event: Petal It Forward! 

On Wednesday, October 24th, starting at 11:00 am on Main Street Arbor Lakes, the Petal It Forward team will be handing out two sets of bouquets to roaming Arbor Lakes customers, one bouquet to keep, and one to PETAL IT FORWARD and give to a stranger! This event will be happening simultaneously ACROSS THE COUNTRY! 

Brighten your day, and the days of others, with this random-act-of-kindness initiative! 

Check out Len Busch Roses's website HERE!

Be sure to post your experience on social media and use #PetalItForward to see all the wonderful Petal It Forward events happening throughout the United States!